What is Alibaba.com?

Alibaba.com is one of the world’s largest wholesale marketplaces, with 20 years of experience helping business-to-business (B2B) companies buy and sell their goods around the world.

  • 190+

    countries and regions

  • 40+


  • 5,900+

    product categories

  • 16

    languages translated

  • New to sourcing on Alibaba.com?

    Find everything you need in one place. From finding ready-to-ship products or a partner to customize the product you want, all the way through to ensuring quality and shipping your order to its final destination.

    • Step 1

      Find products and sellers

    • Step 2

      Connect with sellers

    • Step 3

      Place and protect order

    • Step 4

      Pay on Alibaba.com

    • Step 5

      Ship and receive your goods

    Order with confidence

    Ensure product quality and on-time delivery with Trade Assurance, the Alibaba.com order protection service.
